Case Number REF NO. 1 of 2007

The subject was an infringement of Articles 7(2), 8(1) and 6 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community and an infringement of Article 29 of the said Treaty by the intervention of armed security agents of Uganda to prevent execution of a lawful court order thereby violating the principle of the rule of law and consequently the Treaty.

RespondentSecretary General of the East African Community and Attorney General of the Republic of Uganda
ComplainantJames Katabazi and 21 others
Date filedAugust 29, 2007
KeywordArmed Forces , Rule of Law
Treaty ArticleArticle 29 , Article 6 , Article 7 , Article 71 , Article 8

First Instance Judgment

VerdictThe court holds that the reference succeeds in part and the applicants are to have their costs against the 2nd respondent, the Attorney General of the Republic of Uganda.
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Date deliveredOctober 31, 2007

Appeal Judgment

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