Application No. 29 of 2020 (Arising from Reference No. 39 of 2020) Centre for Food and Adequate Living Rights (CEFROHT) Limited & 3 Others vs. The Attorney General of the Republic of Uganda, The Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania, and The Secretary General of the East African Community

Coming up for hearing: on 2nd March 2022. Application filed: 6th November 2020. Articles: 5(3) (a) & (c), 6 (d), 7(1) (a), (d) & (2), 8(1) (c) & (4), 23, 27(1), 30, 39, 101(1), (2), 116, 120 (a), 130(1), 151(4) of the Treaty for the Establishment of the...